Monday, January 14, 2013

GREEN is the color of the year!

hey guys!

Ive been into nail care this year and I have been connstantly changing it up, this time it's GREEN! the color of the year. sorry for the ridiculous lighting .

CARONIA: blue velvet- 1st Coat
SASSY: jungle green - 2nd Coat
BOBBIE: emerald -Design (i tried to be creative! LOL!)


ive been munching on this guys! it's soo good! KitKat MINT! (another green one!) 

FYI: its specifically EMERALD GREEN!- color of 2013



hey guys!

im having difficulty with my parents, to start with . they are both a big splurger, i just dont mean hundreds but thousands, they love going to casinos and playing. they say its their way of relaxing, im not stopping them(as if i can!) or anything like that, but it would be great if they could but i just want them to limit themselves, its not easy spending thousands in one night, my family's aint rich, were in the middle class, were fortunate enough to be eating 3-5 times a day. we study in good schools , but still money is something that should be limited and put into investment specially its not something easy to earn, maybe your thinking why am i complaining.. the reason is my family doesnt own anything big like a house or a car, if they could just save the money, we could buy a car and get a house build , not like in our present situation where we have been renting a house for the past 8 yrs. i have talked to them but all reasoning just been blocked when they talked about that its their hardwork. and im just their daughter..

so my question is .. should i continue to talked to them into something big? i know i should .. but HOW?!


Friday, January 11, 2013

review: I Am King

hey guys!

I'm here for another review and this time its going to be a korean film!
'I Am King' is about prince who ran away from home (palace) to avoid being a crown prince who will be the next king, as he went outside he met a slave who looked exactly like him, by fate their life interchanged and the prince gets his freedom but experienced the harsh truth of world outside the palace and the slave enjoying the luxury at the same time the pressure of being a prince.

my opinion:
Its kinda like prince and the pauper, no its actually really like that.
I was anticipating this film as this was Joo Ji Hoon come back film after his hiatus, I really liked Joo Ji Hoon since watching goong(princess hours) and i thought it was the end of him when i saw the news of him smuggling ecstasy in japan, I was really disappointed as his prince look and image was ruined by his actions.
so anyway doesn't he just suit the royal type of actor , because before he was a prince( goong) and now his playing as the king. the movie was hilarious! i liked the whole story, especially knowing the crown princess or the real prince's wife (how lucky that girl who was playing that role) and it showed in the movie that the prince actually loved this princess by the excessive intimacy shown by the princess( i think it's because he was locked up in the palace that he didn't know the standards of beauty. LOL! or maybe that was just his type!) it was also funny how his servant begun to defy him but still followed his instructions. and as for the slave who got lucky of taking a bath!!! and let me tell you he really is lucky because the slave's love interest is just beautiful(agasshi- Lee Ha Nui), it was the first film i ever saw Ha nui and Iam really stunned by her bagel appearance(baby face-glamorous body)! the role she played is the loving master or agasshi of the slave, i love their chemistry and their funny-sweet moments!
as for the general aspect, i really like how the prince grew and mature to be a true king, it wasn't so bad that he experienced all those hardships for the sake of knowing the sufferings of his people.

aside from what I've written above, another thing i enjoyed about this film is that although it was a saeguk film, it didn't have that much formality by means of showing the common funny reactions from the cast. you may look forward to his father's(king) kicks! haha

my final verdict: although i enjoyed this film, i just hoped that at the end, he will have shown himself as a king in front of those abusive and corrupt officials for them to regret the thing they've said and done. it may seem like boasting but sometimes its not bad to boast, especially if you only wanted them to know a fact!,but i guess some things are better left unspoken. rating 4.5/5

for more information:
watch the movie at:


Thursday, January 10, 2013

review: Autumn's Concerto

hey guys!

Ive been meaning to write a blog post about this drama(Autumn's Concerto)! and today Ive just finished watching it for the second time around!
i actually found this drama while browsing in YouTube, i saw and a fanvid about this and i quickly searched for it , and when i read the plot , i thought to myself that this was right for my alley! i love the whole revenge hating because of love type of drama . so anyway! i quickly thought i should watch this online , but I'm too lazy to buffer the videos, considering it was 21 episodes ! so i halt and a few days past while watching television i found an advertisement that this drama was gonna be shown in the Philippines (channel 2 -abscbn) i was sooo excited but then i found out the schedule and it wouldn't fit my school sched, so what i did is that i just bought a dvd and i finally watched it!! YAY!!

and sooo for my actual review!!!

the drama is about two young lovers who had gone through many misunderstanding and separating and then being reunited by chances and fate.

as i said earlier this type of drama was right for my alley i love the plot of being in love, sacrificing and REVENGE!! o yes revenge!! you may think I'm so morbid but i actually do love the whole getting revenge but it was just an excuse to be closer with that special person drama.another thing that attracted me to watch this drama was Vaness Wu (Ren Guang Xi)! YAY for Vaness!! i was not an actual fan of him but Ive always thought he was really charismatic and i look forward to his future works ever since meteor garden, and may I just tell you he was just gorgeous and appealing in this drama! specially in suits! i know there are a lot of actors that looked good in suits but he was just exceptional, he just gave the suit a whole new appeal to me! soo enough of the Vaness' gorgeousness and hotness! more of the story please!!
another thing to look forward in this drama is the DRAMA of course! it was really good specially the family bond , mother and child AND father and child, also the push pull relationship of the two main characters i thought the chemistry between the two is really good, and this the first time i saw or  ever notice Ady An (Liang Mu Cheng) i thought she was really pretty in this drama so i googled her up, and i noticed she was just exceptionally really beautiful in this drama compared to her other roles, she suit the sacrificial, enduring lover and the loving mother, and speaking of mother i really love the character of vaness' mom in this drama the twist of her love for her child at the ending was soo beautiful it made me cry.
AAA!! yes how can i forget! the lucky charm of this drama! the little child that was the result of Mu Cheng and Guang Xi's love! XIAO LE (Xiao Xiao Bin) this kid is also amazing he really gave justice to the cutest child that connected and reconciled everyone!

Another thing that amazed me through out the drama was Vaness's pen tricks!! i was amazed and because of that i started practicing and learning it too! and also him raising his eyebrows everytime he thinks or be mad! hahaha!

and although I thought the drama was sometimes corny or too much. but it was a well ended drama, it didn't leave me hanging or feeling regret that i would wished for something else and so final verdict! it was a 4.5/5 rating!

song to remembered this drama: Air on g string by Bach



Wednesday, January 9, 2013

About Me

Hi, Hello? is that how should start this? Im not very good at introductions but..

Im M.P
why is that my name?
Because I want to be an anonymous blogger, But i will tell you a little bit more about me.
To start off I'm an architecture student, I resides in the Philippines, as you can tell by reading this post, I'am a very awkward person, the flow of my words is not consistent but i would like to extend my gratitude for taking the time to read this blog.

i started this blog to have a breathing world. i love fashion, makeup, and asian stuffs. I'am silent and secretive but this blog will be my refuge. I hope to contribute something in this world, to all of you and i leave this to you.
