Sunday, August 25, 2013

hey guys!

I admit!!  Ive been lazy!! like super lazy, I was procrastinating so much of my work and I feel terrified to fail my subjects, I'm nervous about it but at the same I'm just chilling..(huh?)


I'm like in the middle of a crossroad and I'm floating up instead of choosing a direction. I'm at a non so active and productive moment of my life.

I can't even make 'nail post" because Ive cut my nails to its farther bed, and it doesn't look pretty, I just hope it grow long soon enough for me to do my nail arts. And as for my asian reviews....hmmm..... YOU're RIGHT! Ive also been to lazy to write one.

but recently the thing I'm really getting into IS! the infamous book "FIFTY SHADES TRILOGY" to justify this fact, I'm already at my third book. would you like me to do a book review on that? because if you did, I would but even if you didn't, I still will! :) its up to me and that's the moment of productiveness to produce something.

hope you're all doing well
because this is what I've been doing too well

reading on my tablet: fifty shades darker.