Friday, January 11, 2013

review: I Am King

hey guys!

I'm here for another review and this time its going to be a korean film!
'I Am King' is about prince who ran away from home (palace) to avoid being a crown prince who will be the next king, as he went outside he met a slave who looked exactly like him, by fate their life interchanged and the prince gets his freedom but experienced the harsh truth of world outside the palace and the slave enjoying the luxury at the same time the pressure of being a prince.

my opinion:
Its kinda like prince and the pauper, no its actually really like that.
I was anticipating this film as this was Joo Ji Hoon come back film after his hiatus, I really liked Joo Ji Hoon since watching goong(princess hours) and i thought it was the end of him when i saw the news of him smuggling ecstasy in japan, I was really disappointed as his prince look and image was ruined by his actions.
so anyway doesn't he just suit the royal type of actor , because before he was a prince( goong) and now his playing as the king. the movie was hilarious! i liked the whole story, especially knowing the crown princess or the real prince's wife (how lucky that girl who was playing that role) and it showed in the movie that the prince actually loved this princess by the excessive intimacy shown by the princess( i think it's because he was locked up in the palace that he didn't know the standards of beauty. LOL! or maybe that was just his type!) it was also funny how his servant begun to defy him but still followed his instructions. and as for the slave who got lucky of taking a bath!!! and let me tell you he really is lucky because the slave's love interest is just beautiful(agasshi- Lee Ha Nui), it was the first film i ever saw Ha nui and Iam really stunned by her bagel appearance(baby face-glamorous body)! the role she played is the loving master or agasshi of the slave, i love their chemistry and their funny-sweet moments!
as for the general aspect, i really like how the prince grew and mature to be a true king, it wasn't so bad that he experienced all those hardships for the sake of knowing the sufferings of his people.

aside from what I've written above, another thing i enjoyed about this film is that although it was a saeguk film, it didn't have that much formality by means of showing the common funny reactions from the cast. you may look forward to his father's(king) kicks! haha

my final verdict: although i enjoyed this film, i just hoped that at the end, he will have shown himself as a king in front of those abusive and corrupt officials for them to regret the thing they've said and done. it may seem like boasting but sometimes its not bad to boast, especially if you only wanted them to know a fact!,but i guess some things are better left unspoken. rating 4.5/5

for more information:
watch the movie at:


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