Friday, May 23, 2014


hey guys its been a while.. 

so I wanna tell you how my day went.. 

so I thought it was a good day,  had two classes which I attended without being late,

but things got crappy at my second class which is also my last class for that day, i was chatting and joking with my friends while waiting for our professor, only half of the class was there because the other half joined that educational tour for 3 days and 2 nights.,,
 so my professor was taking attendance, she was saying how she felt bad that for the other half of the class that didn't join.. so she said that she will give a plus 10 points for our upcoming quiz,, SO anyway she started calling out our name for attendance she was checking with us if the person she's calling is in the trip or was just plain absent. commenting how the others that joined came because their group of friends was there and same goes for those who stayed behind.. then when she called my name and i raised up my hand, she said "you didn't joined the trip ms.***** because you have no friends because your attitude suck, learned how to associate with others to have friends" the class was laughing, and I just went in the flow I was laughing at the joke that was an offense to me but I didn't want to be a kill joy added to having sucky attitude, cause seriously what can I do in that situation? IT was so embarrassing at I wanted to be eaten by the floor. she said it jokingly but seriously there was depth in her tone which meant that she was serious.. 

..and so maybe your thinking why did she say that.. maybe it's because you really got bad attitude?

..maybe and maybe not..

.. nobody's perfect, we all make mistakes,, and most of all 'WE CANNOT PLEASE EVERYONE' 

I am not a very sociable person, I am mostly quiet cause I have a very bad way of saying things and I tend to come as rather offensive..

but this is too much .. be embarrassed in front of the whole class having no courage to fight, to prove them wrong....

it was all so depressing .. 

is it really human nature to only believe what they heard? is listening to one side of the story like listening to the whole story?

I hope she tried to knnow her students better but what can you expect from a professor?..


I am just speechless,, I wish people would not only listen to one side,I hoped my so called friends would stand up for me cause I would for them.. 


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